By partnering with trusted carriers in the country, we offer customers a wide range of transportation options. All orders will be shipped through our own carrier partners, depending on your package size and destination. Unless you specify another carrier and arrange a transfer. The delivery service arranged by Yumeya Furniture will give you confidence in every transportation project.
After partnering with reliable carriers within the country, our goal is to provide customers with an extensive selection of transportation options. Each and every order placed with us will be carefully shipped through our dedicated carrier partners. Depending on the size and delivery location of your package, the most suitable carrier will be chosen to ensure a seamless delivery experience.Should you have a preference for a specific carrier or need to arrange a transfer to another carrier, please remember to specify your requirements. We understand that some customers may have their own preferred carrier or unique shipping arrangements, and we are more than happy to accommodate those requests.Rest assured that when it comes to transportation, Yumeya Furniture takes utmost pride in delivering exemplary service. Our delivery service is designed to instill confidence in every aspect of the shipping process. Whether you are moving small furniture pieces locally or require large items to be shipped nationwide, our dedicated team works diligently to ensure that your package arrives safely and on time.We continuously strive to improve our transportation services and aim to exceed customer expectations. With our trusted carrier partners and dedicated staff, we endeavor to provide a first-class delivery experience that you can rely on. Your satisfaction is our utmost priority, and we will continue to make every effort to ensure a seamless and secure transportation project for all our valued customers.
Heshan Youmeiya Furniture Co., Ltd. has been established for years. We are proud of our position as one of the leaders in the manufacture of hotel room chairs.hotel room chairs is reasonably designed and compactly structured. It is excellent in performance and stable in running. It is a multifunctional and quality-reliable product. It has the function of stabilized-voltage charging and protects the battery.The production process of Yumeya Furniture hotel room chairs involves several stages. Its battery part will be inspected, welded, tandem connected, stamped, tested in high pressure, etc. hotel room chairs functions perfectly in the development of the multiple application needs.
We are committed to enhancing our sustainability. We’ve integrated environmental criteria into our innovation process so that every new product we launch contributes to sustainability.
MP / Whatsapp: +86 13534726803
Address: Zhennan Industry, Heshan City, Guangdong Province, China