Nursing Home Chairs

In view of the particularity of Nursing Home, Yumeya wood grain metal nursing home dining chairs had been fully considered from the aspects of safety and details to ensure it is suitable for the elder. At present, Yumeya nursing home chairs are accepted and recognized by more and more nursing homes in different countries around the world and are gradually used to replace the traditional solid wood chairs to reduce the overall operating cost. If you are looking for care home furniture suppliers, dining chair for seniors or skilled nursing dining chairs, welcome to contact us. Yumeya furniture for nursing homes have been provided for more than 1000 Nursing Homes in more than 20 countries and area all over the world, such as USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Ireland, France, Germany, and so on. Professional nursing home dining chairs & care home furniture for sale, get a quote.

热销养老院木纹铝高级生活餐椅 Yumeya YW5505

您对梦幻般的现代外观的追求 Yumeya YW5505. 凭借铝制框架的耐用性,这把椅子成为力量和力量竞赛中的杰作。 弯曲靠背设计和扶手支撑使椅子的舒适度更上一层楼。带扶手的老年人餐厅椅
舒适耐用的老人双人座椅 YCD1004 Yumeya

推出最舒适、最优雅的医疗休息室座椅 Yumeya. 魅力与耐用的完美融合,Ycd1004可以完美诠释 YumeyaYSD1004是一款金属强度实木外观的二人座沙发。 时尚的设计搭配金属木纹饰面,让椅子更加优雅,同时也为房间增添了温馨的氛围,是老年人二人座沙发的绝佳选择。
高级生活/退休之家无扶手餐椅 YL1495

YL1495 是一把完美的老年生活椅。 它将时尚的设计、优雅的风格、舒适、安全、耐用相结合,营造出温馨的氛围。此外,采用优质铝材,可以满足不同体重人群的需求。边椅有金属木纹和粉末涂层可供选择,满足多种设置和需求。 作为艺术杰作,这款椅子是任何可能需要额外座位的场合的理想选择。
为老年人提供舒适的扶手椅,满足老年人的生活需求 Yumeya YW5630

正在寻找适合老年人的完美扶手椅吗?介绍 Yumeya YW5630 最适合老年人的扶手椅。 耐用性、多功能性和优雅的完美融合。 这款椅子采用金属木纹饰面,散发出天然的木质纹理,非常适合各种环境。
最佳老年生活躺椅 Yumeya YSF1021

推出最舒适、最优雅的医疗休息室座椅 Yumeya. 魅力与耐用的完美结合, Yumeya YSF1021是您室内空间的完美投资。时尚的设计搭配金属木纹饰面,使椅子更加优雅,同时为房间增添温暖的氛围。是老年人舒适休闲椅的绝佳选择。
舒适的老人躺椅/餐椅 YSF1020

用奢华的方式改造您的室内内饰 Yumeya YSF1020单人沙发。 奢华、品质、优雅和舒适的完美融合。 凭借其弯曲的背部功能, Yumeya YSF1020 单人沙发是疗养院、辅助生活和医疗保健的精致选择。
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