Side Chairs

Professional side chair manufacturer - Yumeya's armless side chairs use together with arm chairs and bar stools, suitable for all kinds of applications, such as dinig, cafes, restaurants, senior living and so on. Yumeya's dining side chair is a metal chair but in wood grain metal finish, which makes Yumeya's side chairs combine the advantages of metal chair and solid wood chair, 'higher strength', '40% - 50% of price', 'solid wood texture'. Meanhile, Yumeya's side chair can stack 5-10 pcs high, which can save more than 50-70% of the cost whether in transportation or daily storage. If you are looking for comfortable dining side chairs for senior living, skilled nursing furniture, assisted living chairs, welcome to contact us.

適用於輔助生活的 Chill And Relax 側椅 Yumeya YL1497

YL1497是一款集美觀與耐用於一體的椅子,框架採用2mm厚鋁材,加上4mm厚受力件,品質可靠。 採用金屬木紋設計,讓你在金屬椅上感受到實木的質感,更能吸引人們的注意。
高級設計的老人餐椅 Yumeya YL1400

迷人而豪華的老人邊椅 YW5658 Yumeya

YW5658飯店客房椅是您一直在尋找的完美邊椅!無論是現代還是正式,這些椅子以其別緻而優雅的外觀提升了每家酒店的美感。 而且,這些椅子不僅具有吸引力,還為您的客人提供無與倫比的舒適度,讓他們在未來的歲月中記住您。
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