Yumeya Furniture - Wood Grain Metal Commercial Dining Chairs Moetsi oa & Supplier For Hotel Chairs, event Chairs & litulo tsa lireschorente
Lintlha tsa sehlahisoa sa Yumeya Furniture
Quick Overview
Yumeya Chairs Yumeya Furniture e etselitsoe ho latela mohopolo oa morao-rao oa moralo. Moaho o pharalletseng o nang le lisebelisoa tsohle tsa morao-rao tse thusang sehlahisoa sena hore e be sa boleng bo holimo. Heshan Youmeiya Furniture Co., Ltd. e netefatsa selikalikoe se khuts'oane sa ts'ebetso.
Product Introduction
Re ananela boleng ba lihlahisoa tsa rona. 'Me re ikitlaelletsa ho phethahala ka lintlha tsohle tsa lihlahisoa. Ka tsela ena, re netefatsa boleng bo botle ba lihlahisoa tsa rona.
Yumeya Metal Wood Grain Seating letoto la 1495 le kenyelletsa setulo sa lehlakore, setulo sa letsoho, barstool le sofa. It is new design dinging & waiting room chair. Tiger Powder Coat, e leng khoebo e etelletseng pele lefatšeng ka bophara ea ho roala phofo, e thehiloeng ka 1934 naheng ea Austria. Lefatšeng, ho na le litsi tse supileng tsa maemo a holimo tsa lipatlisiso tsa saense lefatšeng, le liofisi tsa makala tse fetang 30 lefatšeng ka bophara. Tiger Powder Coat is 5 times durable. Meanwhile, it is sehlahisoa se setala, hore ha ho na lead, cadmium le lintho tse ling tse chefo. Ho tloha ka 2017, Yumeya Furniture le Tiger powder Coat li fihletse tšebelisano-'moho ea maano. Ho fihlela joale, re se re thakhotse ka kopanelo mekhoa e 'meli ea mahlale e entsoeng ke indasteri.
---Dou™-Powder Coat , Ho kopanya nako e telele ea ho roala phofo le phello ea pente
---Diamon™ Tecnology , a E thata joalo ka daemane, makhetlo a 5 a apara ho hanyetsa ho feta theknoloji e tloaelehileng
E entsoe ka aluminium ea 2.0 mm, YSF1050-L sofa ea litulo tse peli e feta teko ea matla ea ANS/BIFMA X5.4-2012 le EN 16139:2013/AC:2013 level 2. Yumeya o ts'episa waranti ea foreimi ea lilemo tse 10 e ka u lokollang matšoenyehong a thekiso kamora ts'ebeletso. Moqapi o ikhethang, haholo-holo moqapi oa mokokotlo, o etsa hore sofa e be khōlō e fapaneng le sofa e tloaelehileng e ka ntlafatsang boemo ba sebaka seo. Ho sa le joalo, mokokotlo o ikhethang o ka fa mosebelisi tšehetso e ntle ka ho fetisisa le ho phutholoha. W ith Yumeya tšepe lehong garin kalafo, setulo ka thusa batho ho fumana lehong sheba le ho ama ka foreime ea tšepe.
Key Feature
1. Aluminum Frame with Yumeya ’s pattern tubing & structure
---10 years frame warranty
---Pasa teko ea matla ea EN 16139: 2013 / AC: 2013 level 2 / ANS / BIFMA X5.4-2012
--- E ka jara liponto tse fetang 500
2. Metal wood grain finish
--- Fumana ponahalo ea patsi 'me u ame ka har'a thollo ea lehong.
--- Khetho e fapaneng ea 'mala oa lijo-thollo tsa lehong
Product Detail
Ho filosofi ea Yumeya Furniture, re nahana hore lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo li lokela ho kenyelletsa lintlha tse 5, 'Sireletseho', 'Makhabane', 'Standard', 'Details Excellent' le 'Value Package'.
1. Polokeho: Polokeho e kenyelletsa likarolo tse peli, polokeho ea matla le polokeho ea lintlha.
--- Tšireletseho ea matla: ka li-tubing tsa mohlala le sebopeho, e ka jara liponto tse fetang 500
--- Ts'ireletseho ea lintlha: polishe hantle, e boreleli, ntle le moutloa oa tšepe, 'me e ke ke ea ngopa letsoho la mosebelisi
2. Comfortable: Moqapi oa setulo sohle o latela ergonomics.
---101 Degrees, tekanyo e ntle ka ho fetisisa ea mokokotlo le setulo, e fang mosebelisi boemo bo botle ka ho fetisisa ba ho lula.
---170 Degrees, radian ea morao e phethahetseng, e lekana hantle le radian e ka morao ea mosebelisi.
---3-5 Degrees, sebaka se loketseng sa setulo se ka holimo, tšehetso e sebetsang ea lumbar spine ea mosebedisi.
3. Standard: Ha ho thata ho etsa setulo se le seng se setle. Empa bakeng sa taelo ea bongata, feela ha litulo tsohle li le boemong bo le bong ‘same size ’ ‘same look ’, it can be high quality. Thepa ea Yumeya e sebelisa mechini ea ho itšeha e tsoang kantle ho naha ea Japane, liroboto tse tjheseletsang, metjhini ea ho roala likoloi, jj. to reduce human error. Phapang ea boholo ba Litulo tsohle tsa Yumeya ke taolo ka har'a 3mm.
4. Excellent Details: Lintlha tse ka angoang li nepahetse, e leng sehlahisoa sa boleng bo phahameng.
---Motsoako o boreleli, ha ho lets'oao la welding le ka bonoang ho hang.
---Cooperated with Tiger TM Powder Coat, lets'oao le tsebahalang la jase ea phofo lefatšeng ka bophara, e sa senyehe makhetlo a 3, ha ho na mokhoa oa letsatsi le letsatsi.
---65 m 3 / kg Mold Foam ntle le talc leha e le efe, ho ba le botsitso bo phahameng le nako e telele ea bophelo, ho sebelisa lilemo tse 5 ho ke ke ha tsoa sebopeho.
--- The martindale ea masela a tloaelehileng a Yumeya a feta 30,000 ruts, a sa senyeheng ebile a bonolo bakeng sa ho hloeka, a loketse tšebeliso ea khoebo.
---Upholstery e phethahetseng, mola oa mosamo o boreleli ebile o otlolohile.
5. Value Packag: Ho na le lintho tse peli bakeng sa sephutheloana sa boleng, tšireletso ea phello le ho boloka sebaka. Ntle le ho tela boiketlo, baqapi ba boenjiniere ba Yumeya ba leka sohle se matleng a bona ho ntlafatsa palo ea thepa ho fumana ts'ebetso e phahameng ka ho fetisisa ea lihlahisoa. Ho sa le joalo, liphutheloana tsohle li tlas'a teko ea papiso ea lipalangoang ho etsa bonnete ba hore setulo se sireletsehile hantle.
What it looks like in Lobby & Kamore ea ho Leta (Cafe / Hotel / Bolulo ba Baholo)?
Kaha setulo sa lijo-thollo sa Yumeya sa tšepe se kopane ebile ha se na porous, se ke ke sa tsoala libaktheria le likokoana-hloko. The price is only 20% - 30% of setulo se tiileng sa lehong, empa matla a sona a maholo ho feta setulo se tiileng sa lehong. Ho sa le joalo, e stackable ebile e bobebe, e ka r fokotsa bothata le litšenyehelo tsa ts'ebetso ea laser . Ka tiisetso ea foreimi ea lilemo tse 10, ho na le 0 maintenance cost and worry free after-sales. All these factors make s horten the return on investment cycle to be real. Kahoo hona joale sebaka se eketsehileng sa khoebo, joalo ka Hotel, Cafe, Clup, Nursing Home, Senior Living joalo-joalo, khetha litulo tsa lijo-thollo tsa tšepe tsa Yumeya ho e-na le setulo se tiileng sa lehong.
Color Options
Yumeya e fana ka mefuta e fapaneng ea kalafo ea holim'a metsi, ho kenyelletsa lijo-thollo tsa lehong la tšepe, seaparo sa phofo, seaparo sa phofo sa Dou le mebala e fetang 20. U ka khetha phekolo e nepahetseng ea holim'a metsi ho latela mokhoa oa hau oa mokhabiso le tekanyetso, kapa u ka buisana le moeletsi oa setsebi bakeng sa keletso.
A09 Walnut
A50 Walnut
A51 Walnut
A52 Walnut
A53 Walnut
Company Information
E fumaneha jiang men, Heshan Youmeiya Furniture Co., Ltd. is a professional company. Re na le lihlahisoa tsa mantlha tse kenyelletsang litulo tsa ho jela tsa tšepe, setulo sa mokete, thepa ea ka tlung ea khoebo. Sehlopha sa rona sa litšebeletso tsa profeshenale se kenyelletsa sistimi e ntle ea thekiso ea kamora thekiso. Kahoo re khona ho rarolla mathata a mefuta eohle le matšoenyeho a bona. U lula u amoheloa bakeng sa ho botsisisa.