
Yumeya Furniture - Wood Grain Metal Commercial Dining Chairs Moetsi oa & Supplier For Hotel Chairs, event Chairs & litulo tsa lireschorente 

Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 1
Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 2
Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 3
Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 4
Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 1
Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 2
Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 3
Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 4

Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand


Thepa ea ka tlung bakeng sa Lihotele, Lijo le Matlo.

Yumeya Litulo Brand

Lintlha tsa sehlahisoa sa barekisi ba thepa ea ka tlung

Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa

Litulo tsa Yumeya Chairs baeti ba thepa ea ka tlung ba hlahisoa ka lebelo le potlakileng ka lebaka la ho eketsa bokhoni ba tlhahiso. Boleng ba eona bo hlahlojoa le ho hlahlojoa ho tloha ka thepa e tala ho fihlela tlhahiso ea ho qetela. Ka barekisi ba thepa ea ka tlung ba khabane, tšebeletso e phethahetseng ka mor'a thekiso, le tšehetso e felletseng ea tekheniki, Heshan Youmeiya Furniture Co., Ltd. ba hapile tšepo ea nako e telele le tšebelisano ea bareki.

Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa

Yumeya Chairs e phehella boleng bo botle mme e loanela ho phethahala ka botlalo nakong ea tlhahiso.


Dikgetho tsa Mmala


Thollo ea Lehong
Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 5


Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 6


Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 7


Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 8


Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 9


Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 10

A09 Walnut

Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 11


Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 12

A50 Walnut

Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 13

A51 Walnut

Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 14

A52 Walnut

Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 15

A53 Walnut

Seaparo sa Powder
Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 16


Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 17


Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 18


Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 19



Dou TM
Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 20


Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 21



Kantle Powder Coat
Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 22


Bahlahisi ba Thepa ea Kamohelo ea Kamohelo Yumeya Litulo Brand 23




Kenyelletso ea Khampani

Joalo ka k'hamphani e tsoetseng pele, Heshan Youmeiya Furniture Co., Ltd. has long been committed to the R&D and production of hospitality furniture distributors. Ka taolo e felletseng, ea mahlale le ea boleng, feme e thehile le ho ntlafatsa mokhoa o tiileng oa tlhahlobo bakeng sa lihlahisoa ho kenyeletsoa le barekisi ba thepa ea ka tlung. Kahoo, re ka etsa tlhahlobo ea boleng ba profeshenale ho netefatsa boleng ba lihlahisoa. Litho tsa sehlopha sa rona li fana ka barekisi ba thepa ea ka tlung ka mefuta e fapaneng ho latela tlhoko ea bareki. Fumana quote!
Lihlahisoa tseo re li hlahisitseng li ntle haholo ka boleng le ho boloka chelete e ngata. Haeba o hloka, ka kopo ikopanye le rona!

Lebitso la k'hamphani ea hau ke mang?

Iteanye le rona
Re amohela merero le mehopolo ea tloaelo mme re khona ho hlokomela litlhokahalo tse itseng. Bakeng sa tlhaiso-leseling e batsi, ka kopo etela sebaka sa marang-rang kapa u ikopanye le rona ka kotloloho ka lipotso kapa lipotso.
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