
Products In Stock

Yumeya Zvinopisa Kutengesa Zvigadzirwa MuStock

Kutanga muhafu yechipiri ya2024, tinoita stock chairs ' furemu mufekitori yedu, iyo yakakosha mutemo inogadzirira vatengesi, vanogovanisa uye vanopinza kunze kwenyika, vachivavarira kuita kuti iwe nebhizinesi redu rive nyore.

7 Series Inowanikwa Iye zvino

Chigaro cheresitorendi, cafe chair uye chigaro chemabiko kusanganisira, akawanda sarudzo dzako!

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Inobatsira Sei Bhizinesi Rako?

MOQ Hapana Yekuwedzera Mutengo Weyakaderera Quantity Order
● Kana uchida kuedza tanga kushanda pamwe chete Yumeya, tinokurudzira kuti usarudze chinhu kubva kune zvigadzirwa zvedu zvinopisa zvinotengesa. Sample mutengo wakafanana nemutengo weholesale. Kune zvidiki senge gumi nemaviri ezvimedu zveresitorendi, iwe unozogona kutora maodha nemutengo wakafanana wemakwikwi uye kudzivirira purofiti yako.

● Kana uine zvimwe zvinhu muChina, asi pasi pechigadziko, zvigadzirwa izvi zvinogona kukubatsirawo kuzadza mudziyo, mutengo wakafanana wekutengesa!
10 Mazuva Kutumirwa, Deredza Nguva Yekugadzira
Isu takapedza machair frames pachine nguva uye tinoachengeta mustock mufekitori yedu. Mushure mekunge maisa odha yako, iwe unongoda kusimbisa kupedzisa uye machira, uye ipapo isu tinogona kutanga kugadzirwa nekukurumidza, iyo inodarika ka1 nekukurumidza kupfuura kurongeka kwenguva dzose. Kuverenga nguva yekutumira, iwe kana vatengi vako vanogona kugamuchira zvinhu mukati memazuva makumi mana, isu tinotakura kubva kuChina.
Inogona Kuderedza Mutengo
Sezvo huwandu hwemaodha huchikwira, tinogona kuunza kuderedzwa kwemitengo yakakwira mune ramangwana, uye mutengo wakaderera wezvikamu zvezvigadzirwa uchakwanisa kuchengetedza purofiti yako nemazvo.
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Pamusoro pe10,000 Nyaya

MuHospitality, Catering, Senior Living

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Hapana Kunetseka, Isu Tiri Chitubu Factory, Tinogona Kuve Wako Akavimbika Shamwari

Yakagadzirwa muna 2010, Yumeya Furniture ndeye kondirakiti fenicha inogadzira yakavakirwa China.

● Inyanzvi mune simbi yehuni zviyo chair, kuitira eco-friendly kufunga.

● Pachake mutsara wakakwana wekugadzira mufekitari, unovimbisa nguva yekuendesa.

● Gadzira kune indasitiri-inotungamira zviyero. Yese macheya anogona kurova anopfuura mazana mashanu mapaundi uye achitsigirwa negumi-gore furemu waranti, yapera neTiger poda yekupotera.

● Senior mainjiniya timu (avhareji 20 makore ruzivo) uye boka rokutengesa kukushandirai.

Unoda kutaura nesu? 
Tinoda Kunzwa kubva Kwauri! 

Unoda kutenga, unoda chero rubatsiro, kuwana chirongwa chekukurukura? Inzwa wakasununguka kutibata nesu!

Kune mimwe mibvunzo, ndapota taura nesu kuburikidza neemail
Bata kana uchida kudzidza zvakawanda nezvezvipo zvedu
+86 13534726803
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Ndapota zadza fomu riri pazasi.

Featured Products

At YUMEYA, innovation is a core value in all we do. Look here to see our latest Featured Products with new design inspiration.

Outdoor Wood Grain Chairs
Launched in early 2024, our outdoor wood grain restaurant chair range takes the classic benchwood chair and remakes it with a new metal wood grain colour code so that it can withstand years of outdoor use and still look good. These fine-looking chairs can also be used indoors, where they can be flexibly deployed according to actual needs, enhancing the unity of the restaurant style and lowering the restaurant's investment costs.

M+ Combination Chairs

M+ series is the new product concept that can be used to solve contradiction between inventory and market diversity. Now M+ series have 2 set of products: Venus 2001 series, with 3 chair's frame, 3 shape of backrest, 3method of backrest, bringing 27 different versions, perfect for dining venue. Mercury 101 series, with 6 seat and 7 leg/ base options, bringing 42 combinations, can be used for all commercial venue. The fancy chair to low your inventory, contact Yumeya.

Metal Wood Grain Flex Back Chairs

Metal Wood Grain is the core technology of Yumeya Furniture. Yumeya uses clever heat transfer process to give the look of real wood for the flex back chairs whilst retaining the metal strength. Ideal choice if you like a new design flex back chair but want to take advantage of benefits including long term durability, low maintenance and lightness.Make it your own by choosing your own metal wood grain color finishes.

CF™ Structure
See the latest designs in our flex back banquet seating. Unlike the traditional old design of the flex back chairs with iron flexible chips, these sleek and sophisticated flex back chairs boast a Yumeya patented CF™ called carbon fiber, which bring people more comfortable feelings and make longer lifetime. Flex back chairs will be the perfect addition to your commercial places.

Stainless Steel Chairs

Yumeya stainless steel chair has a unique, elegant style all its own . The stainless steel chair is luxury and sophisticated that is perfect for events and wedding venues.  Constructed with top-quality 1.2mm thickness stainless steel and support bar, Yumeya stainless steel chair supports up to 500 pounds and with 10 years frame warranty. Besides, a comfortable plush seat cushion offers guests enhanced comfort. Yumeya quality stainless steel chairs offer excellent value with premium features for a great price.

French Style Chairs

Gorgeous French chairs are excellent furniture to enhance the style of your wedding and event venue, suitable for various of wedding like formal wedding, informal wedding, vintage style wedding and so on. Yumeya's products are made with metal wood grain technology, adding a wood grain finish to regular metal chairs to get the warmth of solid wood and the strength of metal. For a product that combines beauty and practicality, contact us!

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