Nursing Home Chairs

In view of the particularity of Nursing Home, Yumeya wood grain metal nursing home dining chairs had been fully considered from the aspects of safety and details to ensure it is suitable for the elder. At present, Yumeya nursing home chairs are accepted and recognized by more and more nursing homes in different countries around the world and are gradually used to replace the traditional solid wood chairs to reduce the overall operating cost. If you are looking for care home furniture suppliers, dining chair for seniors or skilled nursing dining chairs, welcome to contact us. Yumeya furniture for nursing homes have been provided for more than 1000 Nursing Homes in more than 20 countries and area all over the world, such as USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Ireland, France, Germany, and so on. Professional nursing home dining chairs & care home furniture for sale, get a quote.

Ziga ajụjụ gị
Hot ahịa osisi ọka aluminom agadi obibi iri nri oche maka ndị nọọsụ Yumeya YW5505

Ọchịchọ gị maka ọmarịcha na nke ọgbara ọhụrụ nwere njedebe Yumeya YW5505. Site na ịdịte aka nke etiti aluminom, oche ahụ na-eguzo dị ka ọmarịcha n'ọsọ nke ike na ike. Ntugharị azụ azụ na nkwado ogwe aka na-eme ka oche na-esote ọkwa dị mma. oche ụlọ oriri na ọṅụṅụ na ogwe aka maka ndị agadi.
Oche ịhụnanya dị mma ma na-adịgide adịgide Maka Agadi YCD1004 Yumeya

Na-ewebata ebe ezumike nlekọta ahụike kachasị mma na nke mara mma site na Yumeya. Ngwakọta mma na ịdịte aka zuru oke, Ycd1004 nwere ike ịkọwa nke ọma Yumeya's pursuit of product beauty.YSD1004 bụ a 2 seater sofa na metal ike ma siri ike osisi ọdịdị. Ụdị ejiji mara mma nke jikọtara ya na osisi osisi ígwè na-emecha oche na-eme ka oche ahụ dịkwuo mma mgbe ọ na-agbakwụnye ọkụ na ikuku nke ụlọ ahụ. Ọ bụ nhọrọ magburu onwe ya maka 2 oche sofa maka ndị agadi.
Oche akụkụ iri nri na-enweghị ogwe aka maka ndị agadi obibi / ezumike nka YL1495

YL1495 bụ oche zuru oke maka ndụ agadi. Ọ Na-ejikọta nhazi nkecha, ụdị mara mma, nkasi obi, nchekwa na ogologo oge iji mepụta ikuku na-ekpo ọkụ .E wezụga nke ahụ, a na-eji aluminom dị elu mee ihe na ọ nwere ike anụ mkpa dị iche iche dị arọ dị iche iche. na-eje ozi ntọala na mkpa dị iche iche. N'ịbụ onye ọkaibe nke nka, oche bụ nhọrọ dị mma maka oge ọ bụla ebe enwere ike ịchọ oche ọzọ.
Oche oche dị mma maka ndị agadi maka ndụ agadi Yumeya YW5630

Na-achọ oche oche ogwe aka zuru oke kwesịrị ekwesị maka ndị agadi? Na-ewebata Yumeya YW5630 oche oche kacha mma maka ndị agadi. Ngwakọta zuru oke nke ịdịte aka, ịdị mma na ịdị mma. N'ịbụ onye na-emecha osisi ígwè, oche ahụ na-eme ka ọkpụkpụ osisi na-emepụta ihe, na-eme ka ọ dị mma maka nhazi ọ bụla.
Kasị mma agadi ndụ ezumike oche Yumeya YSF1021

Na-ewebata ebe ezumike nlekọta ahụike kachasị mma na nke mara mma site na Yumeya. Ngwakọta mma zuru oke na ịdịte aka, Yumeya YSF1021 bụ ego zuru oke maka oghere ime ụlọ gị. The nkecha imewe jikọtara na metal osisi ọka agwụ na-eme ka oche ọzọ mara mgbe na-agbakwụnye ọkụ na ikuku nke room.It bụ ihe magburu onwe oke maka ala ezumike oche maka ndị agadi.
Oche ezumike / oche iri nri maka ndị agadi YSF1020

Jiri ihe ndị dara oké ọnụ mee ka ime ime ụlọ gị gbanwee Yumeya YSF1020 Otu Sofa. Ngwakọta zuru oke nke okomoko, ịdị mma, ịdị mma na nkasi obi. Site na njiri azụ ya, Yumeya YSF1020 Single Sofa bụ ọkaibe nhọrọ maka ebe a na-elekọta ndị agadi, onye enyemaka ibi ndụ na ahụike.
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