
Yumeya Furniture -Bwa grenn metal komèsyal Gastronomie chèz manifakti & Founisè pou chèz otèl, chèz evènman & Seyèn yo. 

Cafe & Restaurant Cases

Yon chèz manje bon jan kalite dwe gen karakteristik konfòtab, ki ka pote plis biznis potansyèl. Chèz Kafe Yumeya ak chèz restoran yo fèt ki baze sou ergonomics, ak eponj detant segondè ak twal-wo fen k ap sèvi konfò toupatou.An menm tan an, sa a se tou trè apwopriye pou itilizasyon komèsyal, tankou ke yo te stackable, efektivman ekonomize espas depo chak jou. Pote yon pwa nan 500lbs, satisfè bezwen yo nan gwoup pwa diferan.

Nan ane ki sot pase yo, Yumeya ak fyète bay chèz pou anpil antrepriz byen li te ye, tankou HK Meixin Group, Il Cielo (Beverly Hills, LA),  chèz ki pi Amoure nan LA, Panda Express ak sou sa.

Esty Street

Esty Street, yon destinasyon manje ki renome li te ye pou anbyans sofistike li yo ak cuisine goumè, t'ap chache elve eksperyans envite li yo nan amelyore aranjman chèz li yo. Pou reyalize sa, Esty Street te fè patenarya ak Yumeya, yon manifakti dirijan nan chèz-wo kalite, li te ye pou distenksyon yo, konfò, ak rezistans.
Laurel Creek Country Club, Etazini

Nan estimé Laurel Creek Country Club, chak detay reflete yon devouman pou ofri yon eksperyans eksepsyonèl. Devouman sa a gen ladan aranjman pou chèz yo, kote seleksyon chèz yo enpòtan anpil pou bay manm yo ak envite yo konfò ak distenksyon. Pou reyalize estanda ki wo sa yo, Laurel Creek Country Club te kolabore ak Yumeya, yon manifakti dirijan li te ye pou pwodwi chèz-wo kalite.

Sentespri bèf! Lausanne EPFL prezante yon modèn & konsepsyon enteryè enspire endistriyèl. Pou asire yon eksperyans envite san pwoblèm, yo te bezwen chèz segondè ak yon fini metalik ki kontribye nan ayestetik endistriyèl la an jeneral. Apre yo fin gade plizyè manifakti mèb, restoran Holy Cow te deside jwenn ban poupou Yumeya Furniture.
American Village Tavern Salem
Village Tavern has a spacious event space called "GOVERNOR'S HALL", with can host up to 120 guests. They also cater to every type of event ranging from family to business to celebrations. To ensure that they stay ready for a versatile & busy event schedule, Village Tavern needed high-quality and comfortable chairs in bulk. After going through multiple suppliers, they finally chose Yumeya Furniture.
Windsor RSL

Windsor RSL pran swen tout bagay pou òganize yon gwo evènman, tankou dekorasyon, Restoration, chèz, & konsa! Pou chèz la, yo te chwazi Yumeya Furniture akòz kalite siperyè yo & chèz dirab.
Lexington Country Club nan Fort Myers

Apre yon bon jan konsiderasyon, Lexington Country Club finalman deside fè patenarya ak Yumeya epi mete yon lòd pou yon pakèt chèz. Kolaborasyon sa a gen pou objaktif pou elve estanda ekselans nan Lexington Country Club, ofri manm ak envite yon nivo ki wo nan konplike ak konfò.
Menangle Country Club

Menangle Country Club la te rive jwenn plizyè manifakti chèz atravè mond lan. Apre gade faktè tankou pri, bon jan kalite, durability, garanti, & personnalisation, Menangle Country Club finalman te chwazi Yumeya Furniture.
America Springfield Golf and Country Club
America Springfield Golf and Country Club has 60 years of heritage. From providing sports facilities to offering spacious & luxurious event spaces, they have been at the forefront of hospitality.The Springfield Golf and Country Club's ability to host large-scale events with ease has only been made possible with the help of Yumeya Furniture!The club was in need of a reliable B2B chair manufacturer that could deliver quality & affordability in one package. After going through different international chair suppliers, they picked Yumeya Furniture.
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